Saturday, February 11, 2012


If you continue to find what you think are nits without ever seeing a louse, be
sure that you are not confusing nits with common hair debris.
Please note the difference between a nit and two types of dandruff often
mistaken for nits:

Nits (lice eggs of the
head louse) are
small yellowish or
grayish­white oval­
shaped eggs that
are "glued" at an
angle to the side of a
hair shaft.

DEC Plugs are
bright white,
clumps of fat cells
(dandruff) stuck to
the hair shaft.
Images are actual

Hair Casts are thin,
elongated cylinder­
shaped segments of
dandruff which
encircle the hair shaft
and slide off easily.Critter CardTM
Head lice are often first diagnosed by seeing their nits (lice eggs). Do not
confuse nits with hair debris (see back of card).
Human Head Louse  Nit
actual size  actual size

·  Head lice are clear in color
when hatched, then quickly
develop a reddish­brown
color after feeding.

·  Head lice have six legs
equipped with claws to
grasp the hair.

·  Head lice are crawling
insects. They cannot hop,
jump, or fly.

·  Head lice need human
blood in order to survive.

·  Head lice can survive up to
24 hours off the human

·  Head lice live for about 30
days on a host and a
female louse may lay up to
100 nits.

·  Nits are small yellowish or
grayish­white, oval­
shaped eggs that are
"glued" at an angle to the
side of a hair shaft.

·  Nits must be laid by live
female lice. You cannot
"catch nits."

·  Once laid, it takes 7 ­ 10
days for a nit to hatch,
and another 7­ 10 days
for the female to mature
and begin laying her own

·  Nits are always the same
shape; they are not
irregular or fuzzy.

·  All nits must be removed to
control head lice.

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