Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tart Gulung Geebu

Jom Share Resepi Tart...

Bahan-bahan ( 150 biji )

  • 300g tepung gandum
  • 150g tepung jagung
  • 2 1/2 sudu besar tepung kastard (aq letak tepung ubi, bg lg gebu)
  • 2 sudu besar tepung susu
  • 250 g Butter (Nak Letak Margerin pom Bley)
  • 1 sudu besar minyak sapi
  • 2 biji kuning telor
  • 1 sudu teh esen vanilla
  • 1 sudu besar gula
  • BAHAN UNTUK Filling @ Inti JEM NENAS:
  • 3 biji nenas
  • 200g gula pasir
  • sedikit esen vanilla
  • Bunga Cengkih
  • Kulit Kayu Manis
  • Daun pandan (Aq Tak Letak)
  • Secubit Garam


  2. Pukul bersama mentega, susu, minyak sapi, gula hingga sebati.
  3. Masukan telur dan esen vanilla, pukul lagi.
  4. Masukkan tepung yang telah diayak & gaul hingga sebati dan lembut.
  5. Panaskan oven.
  6.  Ambil doh dan tekan pada acuan tart, isikan inti jem nenas yg telah siap, kemudian gulung secara perlahan, letakkan di dalam dulang membakar.
  7. Jangan Lupa yerrr, sapukan kuning telo d atas nya. supaya tak kelihatan pucat lesi.
  8.  Ulangi sehingga habis.
  9. Bakar pada suhu 150C sehingga 20 minit sehingga masak (gergantung pada oven anda)
  11. Parut nenas dan jangan dibuang airnya (aq juz blander je tanpa menggunakan air, sebab nenas tu dah berair)
  12.  Masak bersama daun pandan hingga kering sambil dikacau supaya tidak hangus.
  13. Setelah kering masukan gula, vanilla , bunga cengkih dan kulit kayu manis.
  14. Kacau tanpa henti hingga likat.
  15.  Angkat dan sejukkan.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hyperactive Kids

Active child definitely confusing parents. Active behavior make it difficult to control by the child's parents. The following tips and guidelines that can be tried to control the active child: 
  • Cut down on sugary foods. Sugar gives more power to the active child
  • Give a new attraction to children that allows him to sit still like drawing, reading, games, etc.
  • Reward if he sits still
  • Give room for him to play long enough
  • Do not block the active nature but channeled in the right direction such as sports, work or otherwise
  • Many patient
  • Ensure a safe environment such as sharp corners, comfortable space, fenced or bergril. Avoid areas that are at risk
  • Parents are always active and fit the child's clothing such as shoes, pants and shirts. To prepare for the chase .. hehehehe ..
  • Make assertions such as the sentence imposed if it is not listening ..
  • If you are too active until they can not control their behavior, please bring to the doctor as she may fall in hyperactive children.


What is Disease Mumps

Mumps disease is an infectious disease caused by a virus (Paramyxovirus RNA). It is transmitted through the air by an infected person either from beresin mumps, cough and so on. Children can be infected with mumps from his friends.

Mumps Disease Symptoms

Symptoms of mumps are fever, fatigue, swelling of the parotid salivary glands glands behind the jaw bawan near terlinga. This gland to swell either side or both sides once.

When mumps can be transmitted.

Children (or adults) Mumps virus can spread it to other people and other children. It can infect others for about a week before gland swelling, and 9 days after the glands began to swell.If someone does not ever had mumps, then it is vulnerable to this disease. A person who has this disease will have a defense against these germs sepanjanng life.

What medicines to Mumps

Mumps is not a cure because there is no medicine to kill the virus. Prescribed medications only help reduce pain and swelling of the salivary glands. the drug Paracetamol for fever and rest.

Is Mumps Preventable

Yes. Mumps can be prevented by taking immunity to mumps as children aged about nine months taken at once. Vaccinations usually be taken in private clinics (excluding the Ministry of Health immunization program). This is called MMR immunization (for defense Measles, Mumps and Rubella)

Complications (side effects)

A. Mumps can cause swelling in the testicles (orchitis) at the same time and this may well cause infertility.Two. Mumps can also cause complications such as 'Pancreatis', the damage to the pancreas gland in the stomach.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

About Dengue Fever ..

Dengue (or denggi) is one of the most common mosquito-borne diseases in Malaysia. It is so common that the Health Ministry maintains a current dengue report on its homepage, updated weekly. Dengue causes a high fever and a rash. Most people with dengue will be ill for about 10 days and, with the right treatment, will then recover. 

How does dengue spread? 

The female tiger mosquito spreads the dengue virus. Unlike most mosquitoes, dengue-causing mosquitoes bite during the day. 

These mosquitoes breed in warm, humid weather and in stagnant water. This is why the number of dengue cases increases during the monsoon season. 

What are the symptoms of dengue fever? 

Dengue in infants and toddlers usually starts with the symptoms of a viral illness: Older children may have:
  • a high fever;
  • pain behind the eyes and in the joints;
  • backaches and headaches.
They may also develop a red and white patchy skin rash. This may be followed by:
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • vommiting;
  • itchiness on the soles of the feet.
Most people with dengue feel very weak. This can last for some time after the illness.

What do I do if I think my child has dengue fever? 

If your child has a fever and skin rashes or aching joints, contact your doctor immediately. As the symptoms of dengue and chikungunya are similar, your doctor may ask for a blood test to confirm the diagnosis. 

There is no specific cure for dengue, but there is treatment for the symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe paracetamol for the fever. Don't give your child any anti-inflammatories - they could affect your child's blood platelets. 

You can:
  • make sure your child gets plenty of rest;
  • give him light and nourishing food;
  • put a wet cloth on his forehead every so often to help bring the fever down.
Dengue may last up to 10 days, but some people may continue feeling tired for up to a month. 

How can I reduce the chances of my child picking up dengue? 

There is no vaccine against dengue. The best way to protect your child is to get rid of the mosquitoes that spread the virus. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. Make sure your house and the surrounding area is free of stagnant water, rotting vegetation and old flowerpots, especially in the monsoon season. 

You could also: 
  • dress your child in long-sleeved clothing and trousers to reduce exposed skin;

  • dress your child wear light-coloured clothes (dark colours attract mosquitoes);

  • use citronella oil-based creams and sprays or other herbal mosquito repellents;

  • use mosquito nets while sleeping;

  • if you do not already have them, install mosquito meshes on windows;

  • air conditioning also helps keeps mosquitoes at bay.
Even if your child has had an attack of dengue, it does not give him immunity against the other three closely-related, but distinct dengue viruses. Untreated dengue can develop into dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) which can cause bleeding, liver failure, convulsions and even death. Also, dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) usually develops in people who have already had dengue. So, prevention is very important. 

Also read about malaria and chikungunya in babies and children. 

Expecting? Find out how you can protect yourself from malariadengue andchikungunya during pregnancy. 

Are other mums worried about dengue? Ask them! You'll find them today in ourParenting forum. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Children's health care Children's health care

MAKE SURE your child stay healthy is a big task and can be their worst nightmare for the parents!
First two years of a child is the most important because at this point that brain development occurs. If a woman does not get enough nutrition during pregnancy, or if their child did not receive adequate nutrition at this time, physical and mental growth of children may be slow. This can not be replaced when the older children - it will affect the child all his life.
Asian children to be weaned early so parents must make it a habit to give them at least 2-3 glasses of milk every day, until they were teenagers. Calcium is important for healthy bones.
Because of advertising, children are very influenced by unhealthy snacks. In the long run, this may lead to malnutrition or obesity.
Eating snacks between meal time is strictly prohibited. Because it is difficult to control this fully, it is necessary to give them a multi-vitamin supplements to reduce the negative effects.
Whether your child is new wobble or teenagers, you can take steps to improve nutrition and encourage smart eating habits even in practice, a balanced diet in childhood is difficult to follow.
Here are some guidelines provided by the Mayo Clinic for a healthy diet.
From birth to 2 years:

* Breast milk is the only one of the best food for babies from birth to age six months. It provides good nutrition and protect against infection. Breastfeeding should be continued for at least the first year, if possible. If breast feeding is impossible or undesirable, iron-fortified formula (not cow's milk) should not be used during the first 12 months.Complete milk can be used to replace cow's milk formula or breast milk after the age of 12 months.

* Breastfeeding babies who do not get regular exposure to sunlight may need to receive supplements of vitamin D.

* Start with solid food at age four to six months. Most experts recommend a baby rice cereal fortified with iron as first food.

* Start a new food at a time so much easier to identify problem foods.For example, wait a week before adding any grain, vegetables or other new foods.

* Use an iron-rich foods, such as grains, iron-fortified cereals, and meat.

* Do not feed honey to infants during the first 12 months.

* Do not limit fat during the first two years.

Two years and older:

* Provide a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
* Use salt (sodium) and sugar in moderation.
* Encourage a diet low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.
* Help your child maintain a healthy weight by providing the right food and encourage them to exercise regularly.
According to Facts for Life UNICEF, each year, nearly 11 million children die from causes that can be prevented before their fifth birthday.Millions of children still alive, only to face a bleak future, can not develop their full potential.
Many of these deaths can be prevented if parents and caregivers understand what to do when the disease attacks and how to recognize danger signs that signal the need for medical assistance.
Some common diseases that can be prevented among children through immunization, including polio, tetanus, measles and chickenpox.Parents should not neglect to bring their children to visit a doctor to reduce infections, illness and death rates.
There is no fail-safe methods to avoid common infections and often, it takes one or two weeks to disappear. However, to promote and practice good personal hygiene is in line with measures to prevent these common infections.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Diarrhea is more common in children. It usually will heal by itself without causing other complications.
What is diarrhea?
Diarrhea is a condition where stools become loose channels and watery stools.Stool will come out more often than usual.
  • Acute diarrhea - occurs suddenly and lasts for less than two weeks
  • Severe diarrhea (chronic) - continued until more than two weeks.
What causes diarrhea?
Diarrhea is usually caused by infection of the intestines caused by contaminated food or water. It also can be caused not because of infection but this is very rare.
Causes of infection:
Transmision usually occurs from individual to individual
  • Bacteria
  • examples.; Shigella, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli
  • Virus
  • example, Norwalk virus, Rotavirus
  • Parasite
  • eg. lambdia Giardia, Entamoeba histolytica
Not the causes of infection
  • Tolerance to food - no tolerance terhadaplaktosa
  • Drug reactions
  • specific antibiotic
  • Intestine-related diseases - inflammatory bowel disease, a disease which can not digest fat.
  • Functional bowel disease (functional bowel disease) - irritable bowel syndrome (inflammatory bowel syndrome)
What are the signs and symptoms of diarrhea?
  • Stomach twisting feeling more often
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain / cramps
  • Bloating of the stomach
A child may appear normal or may have signs of dehydration.
How to recognize dehydration?
Mild and moderate dehydration
  • Dry mouth and tongue
  • Chapped lips
  • No or only little tears when crying
  • Restless
  • No urine until 4-6 hours
  • Crests of the baby's head sunk
Severe dehydration (chronic)
All the signs above and follow the following signs:
  • Dry skin and wrinkles
  • The children looked frail, very tired and inactive
  • Refusing to eat
  • Sunken eyes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weak and rapid pulse
  • Hands and feet feel very cold
What danger signs should be aware of?
Seek treatment quickly if your child has these symptoms:
  • Signs of dehydration
  • Blood in stools or black colored stools
  • Diarrhea continued until more than 48 hours
  • Weight loss
  • Drowsy and appeared immune
  • Fever> 38 degrees Celsius
  • Refusing to eat
Effects of severe complications of diarrhea?
  • Organ does not function, including renal failure
  • Sistemic infection (systemic infection)
  • No tolerance to lactose secondary level (Secondary lactase intolerance)
  • Pain around the anal area
How to manage children who have diarrhea?
It is important to replace the lost water in the body.
Continue breast feeding as well as providing drinking water rehydration salts (ORS)
The baby is not breastfed - continue to give the baby to eat normal food and drink rehydration salt ORS (oral rehydration salt) oral rehydration salts
Total liquid ORS (oral rehydration salts) to be given: (Use a small spoon or syringe)
Age infants under 6 months
  • 30 to 90mls per hour
Age 6 months to 1 year
  • 90 to 120mls per hour
Age of 1 year
  • 120 to 240 mls per hour
Recovery phase
  • When the child's condition improved to continue to give ORS solution and breast milk. Slowly add the amount to restore the child's appetite.
  • Common foods can be started after 24 to 48 hours if the child had begun to recover.
  • Unclean conditions will return to normal after 7 days undergo diarrhea.
  • Avoid change of formula indiscriminately
  • Consult your doctor if you notice that you give formula milk is not suitable for your child.
Medicine to stop diarrhea, should be avoided because:
  • Not safe for infants and children
  • Resilience against infection will be interrupted
  • Generally not necessary, seek medical advice
Creams during
  • Cream such as petroleum jelly and zinc oxide can help relieve the pain a sick baby's bottom.
Treatment for chronic diarrhea
  • Investigation and detailed assessment should be done before deciding on specific treatment for cases of severe diarrhea
How can diarrhea be prevented from children?
  • Drink boiled water
  • Avoid raw food unless prepared hygienically by yourself.
  • Wash hands thoroughly after preparing food, going to the toilet, changing diapers and before handling food.
  • Dispose of diapers properly

Effect of Panadol (paracetamol) to Kids

To parents, please take note of this. Paracetamol is a drug that can be purchased over the counter medication without a prescription from a doctor. Therefore, there are some parents who often give their children this Panadol pain during regularly.

Panadol problem is, these drugs produce active radicals that can damage the liver (liver). In a healthy adult individuals, the liver has an enormous capacity of the removal of this radical via the bile (through the mechanism of conjugation with glucorinide). However, the child has less ability to get rid of this radical accumulation in the liver. Children who are affected are under the age of 2 years for the construction of the heart is still in the process of elimination in the liver.

Should radical material was gathered in large quantities, it can cause serious liver damage and eventually cause liver can not function. liver can not work to bring harm to the child that can lead to death (in acute cases).

Recommended that parents give their children Panadol in small doses (half boiled) or panadol children (Panadol for children) to reduce the heat and headache in children. Panadol is still used in children because the alternative (aspirin) in no way can be used to children. Prohibited aspirin to children because it can cause bleeding in the brain (brain hemorrhage) because the blood vessels children are soft and easily damaged by blood gas (diluted by aspirin blood clotting factor when inhibited thromboxane A2).

Although panadol are available at all stores, parents should be concerned with ask your doctor so that appropriate dose can be given to children to ensure that problems, liver damage can be avoided.


Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that is added in polycarbonate baby bottles to make it hard and transparent. While Polycarbonate is a type of plastic used in the manufacture of consumer products. 

BPA is used by the chemical industry in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastic that aims to produce baby bottles, food and beverage containers and in the manufacture of epoxy resin is used as internal coatings for food and beverage cans. 

Human life can not be separated with the use of BPA. However, BPA is the substance to cause adverse effects on human health. 
BPA is an endocrine attacker (Endocrine Disruptor) that would interfere with the release of hormones in the human body. BPA has the same activity as estrogen in the human body and can cause disruption to the endocrine system function. 

Exposure to BPA is extensive. Studies in animals have shown exposure to BPA at a high rate and continuously associated with health problems such as:

• low sperm count 

• Diabetes 
• hyperactivity 
• Cancer of the prostate and breast 
• Obesity 
• The loss in the womb 
• The results of early puberty 
• Penggangu that will prevent the release of endocrine hormones in the body 
• Interference with the immune system 

European Union (EU) has announced a ban on baby bottles containing BPA in 2010. Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, New York, Australia and New Zealand has taken action to ban BPA baby products on products such as toys and milk bottles on precautionary measures (precautionary measures) in addition to a voluntary recall by the manufacturer. Canada has declared BPA a toxic substance. 

In March 2011, the Ministry of Health Malaysia will ban the sale of polycarbonate baby bottles that use BPA. This is to protect high-risk group of infants and children aged 0-3 years in the future. 

Given industry for a year until March 1, 2012 to spend progressively existing products. Within this year, the industry can prepare for the right product does not contain BPA.